Additional Job Search Services

Our Career Advisors (CA) may also provide a separate service: Job Market Evaluation.

 This is an in-depth market study of your professional training and certification, in conjunction with the jobs-market in Canada. This includes:

  • Personal job-market research with your job classifications and information. This Evaluation report can be used to better focus your search and speed it up. 

  • What provinces in Canada need your job qualifications most? 

  • How many job-offers in your field were available in the past 3 months, and WHERE they were located.

  • The evaluation may present you with specific locations which may give you the best chances of acceptance, based on your skills and trade.

  • The average salary per area, both hourly and monthly, so you can aim for a realistic salary offer.

  • In the Evaluation you will find a listing of all necessary skills, training and requirements needed to work in your specific profession in Canada. (This will allow you to complete anything that might be missing, BEFORE applying for a job.)

  • The Evaluation may also recommend jobs that are close to your skill set – that you may not have considered, but are in demand in Canada.

In short – the Evaluation report is a powerful tool for you to better aim your job search in Canada, and for us in the Company as well – to know where and how to try and find your dream-job in Canada faster and better.